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Is There Any Substitute for Liquid Glucose - All You Need to Know About?

Who does not want to satisfy their sweet tooth without having to worry about consuming extra calories or gaining weight? The urge to stay mentally and physically fit, while eating the food you like and without looking for alternatives that have fewer calories and are easily available. Likewise, liquid glucose is commonly used as a food additive or as an ingredient in many cooked food items or baked items throughout the world. Also known as glucose syrup, it keeps the food moist, sweet and helps to keep it fresh for a longer time period. Here is all you need to know about liquid glucose or if they have a good substitute or not:

All you need to know about Liquid Glucose:

Liquid glucose is actually sugar in the form of syrup. It is manufactured in industries using either corn starch or maize starch and by running it through few chemical reactions. Glucose syrup is often used in commercial food production for thickening the food, as a moisture-absorbing agent, or as a sweetening agent. It helps to enhance the taste of things such as candies or other food items of such sort. Liquid glucose does not offer any health benefits. However, its constant consumption makes you prone to obesity, high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and poor dental health. 

You can avoid taking glucose syrup by cutting down the intake or consumption of food items that contain liquid glucose. For example, you can avoid drinking juices, soda, or energy drinks. Likewise, try not to consume canned fruits, packaged snacks, etc. You can check the list of ingredients before buying any of the processed eatables and pick the ones that have either less amount of liquid sugar used or have any of other sweetening agents, to ensure better physical health. 

What are the Possible Substitutes for Liquid Glucose?

To be honest, there aren’t many products that can be used as an adequate substitute for liquid glucose. However, you can use these few options to get a similar effect as you get by using liquid glucose:

- Consider using boiled sugar. There are many stages through which the usual type of sugar passes before it reaches caramelizes when heated. The point where sugar changes into a softball can be used as an alternative to liquid glucose. All you need to do is to take one cup of sugar and enough water to cover all of it. Put it in a pan and a pinch of salt and cream of tartar, bring the mixture to boil and remove from flame when it reaches the softball stage. 

- Secondly, you can use honey instead of glucose syrup. It might bring a twist in your recipe and will change the taste and flavor of the dish, but you can give it a try if you want to avoid using the glucose sugar. 

- Else you can use molasses. The taste won’t be changed markedly, but the color of the dish will definitely be a bit darker. 

Why opt for Glucose Syrup?

Since there isn’t any perfect alternative to glucose syrup, it would be recommended for you to use liquid glucose. No matter how hard you try, you are going to consume sweeteners in one way or the other. It is better to use something genuine rather than using something artificial that can harm your health. However, the regulation of intake amount can surely help you stay healthy even if you are using the glucose syrup. 

Where to Buy a Good-Quality Liquid Glucose?

It is very important to buy liquid glucose manufactured by a trusted dealer such as HL Agro. They ensure to make genuine food additive on a global scale. They are known for producing high-quality glucose syrup persistently. Through controlled and closely monitored manufacturing process the liquid glucose is manufactured to meet the required product standards. 

The Bottom Line:

The question of where to buy liquid glucose from is of much more important than looking up for the substitutes of it. If the product is manufactured by a trusted company like HL Agro, then there isn’t any harm in using it. However, the intake must be regulated so that it might not be harmful to your health.


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