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Showing posts from July, 2019

Tahini - The Condiment with Health Benefits

Tahini, a protein-rich paste made from hulled, ground, and toasted  sesame seeds  add a heavyweight presence to any dish. It is commonly used in North African, Greek, Iranian, Turkish, and Middle Eastern cuisine. A major ingredient in hummus and baba ghanoush, tahini dip holds a robust sesame flavor & a unique roasted aroma that makes it an ideal base for marinades. Fast Facts about Tahini: Tahini is a paste or butter made from ground sesame seeds. It is a key ingredient in hummus and in baba ghanoush, an aubergine dip. It provides good amounts of protein and various minerals. High in calories, it should always be eaten in moderation. Nutrition: Tahini contains more protein than milk and most nuts. It’s a rich source of B vitamins that boost energy and brain function, vitamin E, which is protective against heart disease and stroke, and important minerals, such as magnesium, iron, and calcium. Most people prefer the paler type, made from hulled (skinned) se

CSR - A Fad or a Necessity

In recent decades the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) turns out to be a vital strategy for companies to survive in a ruthless market environment. Adopting a  CSR  strategy is seen to be emerging as a survival tool in a condition where the market’s shift and customers’ preferences become more unpredictable & complex. Corporate Social Responsibility is essentially a concept whereby the companies emphasize & integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. With high CSR standards, the companies testify its operational performance & demonstrate an ethical and sustainable approach of dealing with the environment & social impacts. In India, the practice of  CSR  is gradually moving from institutional building to community development through various projects. Forasmuch as global influences and communities are becoming more active, CSR is turning out to be strat

Top Nuts & Seeds for Keto

The ketogenic diet by and large limits the intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates to a ratio of approximately 75%, 20%, and 5%, respectively. While this may seem challenging to balance, it really is a manageable quota with the inclusion of nuts & seeds on the keto diet. High in fats and low in carbs, the nuts and seeds can be a perfect food to help you meet your keto macros. Keto Nuts & Seeds: Keto nuts and seeds can be differentiated for their higher fat contents against the carbs per gram of fruit. Regarded as a dietary staple by the keto dieters, these keto nuts and seeds promise a nutrient-dense & gut-friendly meal supplement. They're convenient, rich in healthy fats, low in carbs, and abundant in health-protecting antioxidants – all things that can surely benefit one’s keto journey. It's true that most plant foods are too high in carbs to be suitable for keto. With a higher carb content, grains, fruits, legumes, and starchy vegetables cannot be

Corn Starch: A Natural Remedy for Allergies & Infections

Corn starch is primarily a remnant carbohydrate derived from the endosperm of corn. It is a white powdery substance that holds its pre-eminence in worldwide cuisines, household, and industrial chores.  It acts as the quintessential thickening agent for making the sauces, gravies, glazes, soups, casseroles, pies and other desserts. Corn starch powder, a corn derivative contains no proteins & exclusively offers carbohydrate contents, which invariably classifies it into a gluten-free product. It also serves as an excellent gluten-free alternative to flour thickeners in various recipes. The odorless starch powder escorts many salutary benefits and underpins the domestic errands in multiple ways.  Corn starch is a highly versatile & resourceful product that helps in the treatment & prevention of frequently contacted allergies: Skin Irritation: Corn starch can be effectively used as a DIY soother for various kinds of skin irritations including sunburn & skin allergies.

HL Agro bags USFDA & Kosher testimony for its products

HL Agro Products, the noted manufacturer &  exporter of sesame seeds  &  corn derivatives  is pleased to announce the achievement of US FDA & Kosher certifications that qualify the purity, food hygiene & safety of its processed line of products. With the promise to uphold quality & dependability in every delivered product, FDA  & Kosher accreditation is yet another benchmark that attests the integrity of HL Agro’s food ingredients & compliance with Food Safety regulations. The dual certification joins the league of existing ISO-22000: 2005, HACCP, Halal, USDA Organic and other GMP & Food Safety authorizations granted by the internationally recognized certification bodies. The value-added certifications will enable the entity to increase the confidence of its worldwide buyers & proliferate in global markets with ease & reliance. With the  US FDA  testimony, HL Agro validates the regulatory status of its Sesame seed s with respect to the food

Commercial preparation of Liquid Glucose: The Process

Liquid glucose is the syrupy liquid that is obtained as a by-product during the hydrolysis of starch.  The source of this starch is maize or corn and this is why liquid glucose is also termed as corn syrup in several countries including India.  Depending upon the percentage of glucose, the use of liquid glucose may vary. For example, if there is 90% or above of glucose, then the syrup is used for industrial fermentation whereas if the percentage is between 10 and 43, then it may be used in confectionary and is known as confectioner’s glucose in that case. To know about the commercial preparation of liquid glucose from corn or maize, you can go through the following given steps.        1.  Preparation The first step of the preparation of liquid glucose is the separation of starch from the corn. This process results in removing the fiber and the protein as well and these are considered to be useful by-products. The protein or maize gluten thus obtained produces the off flavor a

A brief description of the Corn Starch Production Process

Corn Starch Production Process The process of separating the starch from corn is one which involves several steps and procedures.  The corn starch thus obtained is from the endosperm of the kernel and is used in the production of several foods and other items.  The main aim of the corn starch production process is to release the starch from the cell structure and that too by ensuring that the germ is not damaged. When the process is over, 4 main derivatives are obtained and they are starch, fiber, germ, and gluten.  The following is a brief of the corn starch production process: 1.  Corn cleaning and steeping This is the first stage of the process and is done to free the corn of all kinds of impurities.  After cleaning, the corn is soaked in water so that it doubles in size.  Now the gluten bond weakens and the starch is thus released. 2.  Milling, germ separation and drying The second stage of the  corn starch production  process is one in which corn is coarsely mi

The Top 5 Sesame Seed Producing Countries in The World

Sesame seeds are one of the most popular seeds in the world. The main reason for their popularity is the fact that they are loaded with health-promoting nutrients and elements. But besides the nutritional value, these seeds are also packed with flavor, crunchiness and a certain smokiness that helps them find use in many cuisines. The world produces about 3 million tons of sesame seeds every year on an average. About 60 to 65 countries produce these seeds out of which Asian and African countries are the key sesame seeds producers. The following is a detailed description of the top 5 countries thriving as the leading sesame seeds producers in the world. 1.  Myanmar - Myanmar is the leading sesame seeds producer in the world and produces 18.3% of the total sesame seeds produced on an annual basis. As far as the exact numbers are concerned, Myanmar produces 890000 metric tons of these seeds every year. 2.  India - On the number 2 spot comes India which is also one of the leadi

Best Ways To Use Sesame Seeds For Hair Growth

The constant exposure to the sun, pollution, and unhealthy lifestyle practices can create havoc for the hair and the skin. Most of us are trying to find solutions to improve the health and texture of our hair and tend to turn to chemical laden products for the same. But it is important to remember that it is always better to try home remedies and natural products for the best results. One such natural solution for hair growth and nourishment is sesame. Yes, sesame seeds can be used in many ways to boost hair growth and health and some of them have been given as follows. •  Eat A Handful One of the best ways to use sesame seeds for hair growth is to chew a handful of white variety every day. This is the best way to extract the maximum benefits of the seeds. Sesame seeds consist of many vitamins and minerals which can be great for the hair health and the best time to eat them is in the morning. •  Use Sesame Oil for Cooking Sesame seeds are commonly used to extract oil out of

Indian Sesame Seeds

India is one of the largest producers and  exporters of sesame seeds  in the world. Indian sesame seeds are well-known for their purity,oil-content & medicinal properties. The country is known for producers several thousands of tons of sesame every year and in many varieties and forms. The world on an average produces close to 3 million tons of sesame seeds every year and a large percentage of that is produced by India alone. Asian and African countries are the main players within this industry and the top producers are China, India, Sudan, Myanmar, and Thailand, etc. India also is the single largest exporter of the seeds followed by Egypt which comes on the second spot. India produces a wide variety of sesame seeds varying in color from red to black to white. The oil content in these seeds varies from 40 to 50%. Where on one hand, the white and black sesame seeds are used for direct consumption by addition in many foods and for exports but on the other hand, brown Indian s

Uses of Sesame Seeds Around The World

Sesame seeds  are the healthiest and the most popular seeds in the world. These seeds are known to mankind for several thousands of years and still continue to be widely used for many different purposes. Although these seeds are grown more in some tropical parts of the world than some others, but their demand is high all over the globe. Asia is the largest producer and consumer of sesame seeds and uses sesame commercially in the form of cooking oil. India is one of the major sesame exporter in the world. But there are many other uses and benefits of sesame around the world and you can read more about the same in the following: • In Japan,  sesame seeds  are toasted prior to pressing them for oil which is extremely stable and provides a lot of flavour in foods. In the country, the seeds are used as a garnish for decorating some of the light foods like fish and desserts. Here, sesame seeds are used so widely that they are placed like salt and pepper on tables in restaurants. •

Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Sesame Seeds

Sesame is one of the best oil crops in the world and also among the oldest. This crop is widely grown in China, India and many other tropical countries. It is known for its rich and nutty flavour and has gained a lot of popularity as a kitchen ingredient or essential in many countries. According to Ayurveda, sesame is described as a crop of immense medicinal value. It is commonly known as ‘ til ’ in Hindi and referred by the same name in Ayurveda as well. The following are some of the most important Ayurveda medicinal properties of sesame. 1. According to Ayurveda, sesame is heavy to digest and increases the moistness of the tissues. It has high potency and also tastes sweet. Both the seeds and the oil are used for many medicinal purposes. 2. Sesame normalizes vata and vitiates pitta and kapha. This crop has properties of yogavahi which is a substance which has a quality of penetrates the deepest tissues. When the seeds are processed with some of the other herbs then it norma

Sesame Seeds Cleaning and Peeling Plant

Sesame seeds are one of the best and oldest known oilseeds in the world. These seeds are not only the healthiest seed varieties but also ones which are known for their nutty flavour and texture all around the world. The seeds have to go through a detailed processing procedure before the final outcome can be obtained and are then used for cooking and other purposes. The procedures involve cleaning and peeling which is done through appropriate machinery. The following are some more details of the cleaning & peeling processes of the sesame seeds plant ingeniously used in sesame seeds manufacturing. The  sesame seeds  cleaning and peeling plant plays an important role in sesame seed processing procedure. The sesame seeds plant can peel both white or black sesame seeds very efficiently and even in bulk quantities. This also helps to improve the sesame economic benefits and the overall utilization value. The peeling machine has a vertical structure and is easy to operate. Well kn