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Staying the course on the Business of Sustainability

At HL Agro, we are committed to & invested in sustainability because it’s a win all around- it’s good for business, the planet, our customers, and our communities. We care about our planet. Our aim is to produce right products for our customers that also have minimal environmental footprint, so we strive to continuously improve our operational efficiency and environmental performance.

While engaging good manufacturing practices, we work each day to create value-added products for our customers without any trade-offs in price or performance. To us, environmental sustainability means creating value by conserving our natural resources and preserving the planet for future generations. We look to reducing our environmental impact whenever we can – from the design of our factories to manufacturing & packaging of our products.

Advancing technologies to reduce waste, increasing recycling and reuse creating even safer treatment and disposal options. Developing sources of renewable energy sharing the benefits of our learning and innovation with our clients and collaborators. In our endeavor to save energy & water, we are working on various projects at our sesame & starch manufacturing plants in Kanpur.

The company maintains a colossal green zone area to preserve nature, strictly monitors the industrial pollutants/ emissions and enforces the advance waste management/water treatment facilities to regulate its overall environmental performance. We ensure that our products are made in a responsible way and in doing so we look at:

Sustainable Operations

At HL Agro, we treat sustainability as an important objective in our strategy & operations to increase growth & global competitiveness. Our sesame & starch products are manufactured through economically sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. We are taking a broad, science-based approach to measuring and reducing carbon emissions in our operations. Our key policy principles are:

  • Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements in the management of the environmental impact of our operations.
  • Conduct our business in a manner that protects the environment and prevents pollution.
  • Explore and develop a business case for carbon offsetting and route to carbon neutrality.
  • Consider environmental performance when procuring new products and services.

 Supply Chain

Extending our commitment to responsible business practices to the value chains, from subsidiaries to suppliers, we attempt to mitigate the inherent social & environmental risks and the governance challenges the supply chain poses, alongside seek the latent rewards supply chain sustainability can deliver. We are committed to promoting safe and inclusive workplaces in our operations and throughout our supply chain.

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

Minimising environmental pollution is high on the implementation agenda of our industrial operations. We operate effluent treatment plants to reduce the potential for pollution of receiving waters and to comply with discharge consent conditions.

Rainwater Harvesting

We significantly reduce our environmental footprints by enabling the rainwater harvesting systems to collect, conserve and re-use the water that falls onto the roofs or hard stand areas of the facility premises. The systems further help us to top up source water in water recycling systems.

Waste Management

We reduce the emission of waste by boosting yield in our production process and increasing the recycling rate of our waste materials. At HL Agro, we enforce advanced waste management & water treatment facilities to minimize our overall environmental impact. Rejected materials are sold in the market in the form of hay or fodder & other non- recyclable industrial wastages are handed over to the regulatory bodies for their better management.

Green Infrastructure

At HL Agro, our approach towards the environment is to make it fully integrated part of our business. We promote our green credentials by engaging eco-friendly manufacturing practices & conserving a substantial green buffer zone area in the premises of both the units. These green belts keep us closer to the nature & leverages our environmental performance.


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