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A Simple Guide To Water Tanks For Your Corn Farm


Being a farmer can be a challenging role. Not only do they have to manage their crops, but they also have to take care of their staff and equipment. Farmers may struggle to correctly grow their crops for the market without trusted workers and reliable equipment. 

A successful corn farm places a lot of value on water availability for the crops and the workers. For this reason, many corn farmers choose to have various types of water tanks to use, and here is a simple guide to finding the right one:

  1. Choose A High-Quality Water Tank Brand

Depending on the functions the farmer needs the water tank to fulfill, there are different types of tanks from various suppliers that they can choose. A high-quality tank will be more reliable and ensure that the farmer doesn’t have to worry about replacing it anytime soon. 

Water tanks could be a sizeable investment that corn farmers make. So, to make it worth their while, the farmer should buy tanks from a reputable dealer that will give them the best advice about the right products for them.

  1. Decide How Much Water It Should Hold

Water tanks come in multiple sizes. And to find the right one for your needs, you must determine how much water you want it to hold and the weight restrictions of vehicles or stands that will accommodate the water tank. Generally, you only need to water corns once a week, but you would need to water long enough that the water reaches 30-36 inches deep. It is because these crops have deep roots. That said, calculate or estimate the amount of water you would use for that specific purpose and then decide on a tank accordingly.

  1. Consider The Various Tank Materials

Most water tanks for farming purposes are plastic-based tanks that can withstand traveling on a trailer or the harsher weather elements these farms may have. However, some manufacturers can supply fiberglass tanks or other materials that the corn farmer must consider before buying a water tank. 

A tank that will hold water only won’t necessarily have to be of a specific material. However, the farmer must consult the manufacturer for chemicals and other liquids the tank can hold for corn farming.

  1. Find The Right Type Of Tank

A corn farmer can have two main types of tanks on the farm: a sump-based liquid transport tank or a free-standing liquid transport tank. The former can fit on the back of a flatbed truck so the farmer can easily maneuver it where they need it. In contrast, the latter remains stationary at one specific spot on the farm. Many farms could have both if the farmer plans to use water in multiple areas on the corn farm.

  1. Think Of The Flexibility The Tank Needs

For a water tank, size does matter. The corn farmer should consider where they want to use the tank and if it should be easily moveable. A bigger tank will hold more water but be more challenging to move, while they can cart around a smaller tank easily. 

Regardless of the size, the material will also come into play here as the plastic-based tanks may be better to move around, thus making them more flexible.

  1. Measure The Available Space For The Tank

Farmers may have a variety of vehicles they use for their operations. So, before buying a water tank, they should consider if they have a farm vehicle that can carry the water tank. These tanks vary in size and design, making some more tricky to load onto the back of a truck or trailer.

  1. Remember The Additional Items

It is essential to get a water tank to use on the corn farm, but there are other items that the farmer should remember that will work with the tank. Heavy duty pipes, a pump, mounting pins to secure it, and a step ladder to get onto or around it is some of the extras a farmer would want to consider.  

They should also remember that additional farming tools for the crops may need to be transported in the exact vehicle. So the farmer should plan before installing the tank or fixing it to the truck.

The Takeaway

A corn farm has many parts of its daily operations, and the farmer and their workers should ensure that everything runs smoothly. The corn crops need watering, and sometimes they need spraying with chemicals that workers have to mix with water, making water one of the most valuable things on the farm. 

When corn farmers opt for a sturdy, reliable water tank, they will save themselves and their farm a lot of effort, not to mention how well their crops will grow.


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